Harmonize data to draw smarter insights

Leverage transformative AI technologies to get more value from your data by generating actionable, intelligent insights to accelerate filings, automate processes and improve patient outcomes.

AI Data Management for Clinical Trials
IQVIA Technologies leaders join the Emerj AI in Business podcast to explore the current state of AI in life sciences and clinical trials. Listen now to gain valuable insights into how data, technology, and AI are transforming clinical trials and the patient experience in this on-demand podcast. 
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CDAS Resources
Discover how IQVIA Technologies Clinical Data Analytics Suite (CDAS) can help optimize clinical trials with data integration and AI/ML. View our full CDAS product library of factsheets, white papers, webinars, and more.

The volume and complexity of data from digital applications, connected devices, and IoT means companies spend 80% preparing data but just 20% analyzing it.

We need to flip this to get more value from our data!

Wendy Morahan
Sr. Director, Clinical Data Analytics Suite

What sets CDAS apart

A patient-centric cloud platform to run smarter, faster trials

CDAS is a part of IQVIA Technologies’ Orchestrated Clinical Trials (OCT) platform, which is comprised of primarily SaaS applications integrated from the ground-up. OCT eases the burden on your sites and makes it easier and more appealing for patients to remain engaged, produces faster trials to database lock, and speeds time to market.

For example, CDAS integrates IQVIA’s Trial Management Suite of products, including Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) a mobile monitoring application to automate and streamline processes, increasing efficiency and enhancing patient safety.

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