Bring trials directly to patients to improve access and engagement, increase quality and shorten timelines.

We design and execute clinical trials and late-phase studies with people in mind. By bringing virtual trials and real world evidence-based virtual studies directly to patients at home, we vastly expand our recruiting range and retention rates - including the ability to reach diverse populations and difficult-to-recruit candidates.
IQVIA Virtual Research Solutions brings together deep scientific expertise, integrated technologies and predictive analytic algorithms for a more human and more humane approach to research.
Avoid costly delays, increase data quality and operational efficiency and meet compliance requirements. IQVIA Virtual Research Solutions employ
Bring trials directly to patients to improve access and engagement, increase quality and shorten timelines.
Use emerging data sources and advances in evidence methods to demonstrate product value and safety.
Enhance patient safety and study quality by using data, analytics, and technology to monitor patient, site, and study performance with risk-based and centralized monitoring.