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As we look back on 2022, the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we see areas of greater clarity around the utilization of health services, medicine use, and spending trends, while in other areas — including the impact of the most consequential healthcare reform in more than a decade — greater uncertainty appears to be on the horizon. The U.S. healthcare system remains fragmented, opaque and often dysfunctional, despite the rallying efforts of the pandemic years.
Evidence-based research and dissemination of findings remain a key foundation to advance our collective understanding and interpretation of events, and to take actions that will shape the future for all stakeholders. This annual trend report is intended to contribute to that understanding.
Areas of focus in this year’s report range from looking at health system utilization and its recovery from the pandemic, to how medicine usage patterns have shifted, the complex nature of drug pricing, and the impact of out-of-pocket costs on patients.
While forecasting in this environment is not for the faint of heart, we have laid out our view of the drivers of change in medicine spending over the next five years. This includes the impact of biosimilar introductions affecting the single biggest selling drug in the U.S., and our assessment of the consequences of policy changes already legislated but still unclear and which will take effect in the coming years
Explore our end-to-end, full service clinical development capabilities including Therapeutics expertise, Development Planning, Phase I early clinical development, Phase IIb/III and Phase IV Trials, Regulatory Submission and Post-Launch Studies.
IQVIA is using vast quantities of data in powerful new ways. See how we can help you tap into information from past trials, patient reported outcomes and other sources to accelerate your research.
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